Just relaxing with a little TV and having a beer. It's kinda like having a beer while you have a butterscotch candy in your mouth. I found this at the Fizzy Water store on Canal Park. It's kinda cheating to find craft sodas there since that's all they have. Well, they have some candy too. It's a dentist's nightmare, or boat payment. Anyway, I found this one on the low sugar shelf. Plenty of butterscotch flavor but not too sweet. The "beer" part is more like root beer. It really doesn't qualify as a non-alcoholic drink. You could call anything non-alcoholic if this passes.
Not sure I'd have this one again.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
We are all related
Christmas is a time when generations come together. They get
packed into one room and inevitably one of the older ones, perhaps the oldest
one, has some story to tell or something they want to show one of the younger
ones. This has all the potential for being a completely useless interaction,
something that is suffered through, not just by the two who are actually
participating in it but even those around them, those who have to hear it. There
is a way to make this worthwhile, and, yes, I’m writing a story about how to
save Christmas.
This year, my wife made ornaments. She learned how to do it with
friends. It involved a Styrofoam ball and fabric and pins and it’s very intricate
and she is very precise and she loves doing it and she loves doing it well. She
sent them off to my aunts and uncles and to hers’ and more importantly to the
children and grandchildren of some of those relations. Hopefully they see the
significance of them, but odds are they won’t. And hopefully we get that chance one day to
visit them during the holidays and that ornament will be out and we’ll talk
about it, rather than the weather or whatever horrible news is going on.
And somewhere in there, some tiny bit of wisdom will be
shared. It will sound trite or canned at the time, but many Christmases later,
that young person will be the old one, and they’ll be worried about that
younger generation and how they don’t look things up on the internet anymore,
or that they don’t know what it took to end poverty and how they don’t
appreciate it and they’ll think “kids today…”, and they’ll try to figure out a
story to tell and they won’t have one that is any better than the one about making
Christmas ornaments.
It might be a different story about something else, about
making soup and how all the ingredients mix to make it just right or something.
It doesn’t matter because you can’t explain being old. You can’t explain what it
means to earn your gray hair or your wrinkled skin. What matters is that those
feelings, those intentions, were put into the project, the recipe or the story.
You don’t need to know the whole story to see when that kind of care has gone
into making something.
You’re going to get that gray hair and wrinkled skin either
way, so you might as well earn it, but you’re not going to know what goes into getting
them until you have them. Sorry, young people, your role in this is not that
exciting. You get to do all those exciting things that young people do together,
those things that would end up with a broken hip for us. Listening to grandma
on Christmas is probably not on the top of your list. So, here’s the secret,
that grandma had a whole bunch of Christmases before you were even born.
So, when she’s showing you something that doesn’t seem that
interesting and telling that lame story, she’s looking at you and she doesn’t
just see your nose and your hair. She sees your mother’s face and hears your
uncle’s voice coming from you and she remembers a smell from some far off
kitchen and hears an owl in the woods and she sees a long horizon across a windswept
plain. It’s all related. We are all related. The only way to discover that is
to live long enough and be conscious enough and to notice it while it’s
happening. You can watch a movie, or sit there with your headphones on
listening to music, but those are storytellers too and they are trying to get
out the same kind of messages. For me, there is no better way to hear a story than from
someone close to you.
getting along,
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Pluralism requires work
This is a short speech I gave to the Lake Superior Freethinkers this morning. It's something we do before the main presentation. We call it the reflection.
I'm sure you all have been
watching the news lately. We have Syrian refugees and terrorist bombings around
the world and our own wonderful political reactions to it here at home. In looking
for to help sort this out, I've found some impressive voices from people who
call themselves progressive Muslims. Progressive religious voices fascinate me
because I don't understand how they remain true to their specific religion
while speaking so well on universal human rights. One of them is Irshad Manji.
I watched her in an interview and one minute she was speaking about her right
to openly identify herself as a lesbian and in the next she was expressing her
love for Allah and her voice was cracking and her hand went to her heart.
What does this devoutly
religious person have, to tell us, the people in this room? I also saw her
respond to a conservative Imam, who asked her if she thought the Muslim
community should change it's stance on gays. Her answer was "no", but
she would like it if they stopped saying gay people should be killed. And she
has the knowledge of the Quran to back up her stance on that. To bridge these
seemingly unbridgeable groups, she placed the value of coexistence, that is, not
killing each other, over a requirement that all Muslims completely accept her.
This is her version of
freedom of religion. In this country, we
have freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to express the idea that
religion should be eliminated. Or, short of that, the tax advantages it enjoys
should be eliminated or closer scrutiny should be given to how children are
taught religion. It includes the freedom to make jokes about religion. But
people still have the right to call themselves whatever they want and claim
their holy book means whatever they want it to. We're all free to do that, as
long as it doesn't come into conflict with any other laws and rights.
Keeping this in mind is to
everyone’s advantage. If you live by this rule, it is reasonable to ask others
to do the same. You can challenge those who say, they are doing their religion “correctly” but
those terrorists or those skin-heads are doing it wrong. This usually leads
down a path where you find their "correct" version also has something
you consider a human rights violation. But, you can avoid all that religious
justification and go straight to the values of not harming innocent people.
This approach also opens us
up to partner with people who are using ways of thinking we would
normally not consider valid or reasonable. The author I mentioned has the
challenge of being a Muslim in a Western country and within that she has the
challenge of being a gay person within that community. For her, it is a double
oppression. It is her very unique seemingly incompatible circumstances that
fostered her ability to identify an approach to bridging them.She looked to the
underlying value, what makes us human, not simply what makes her a Muslim.
I call these underlying
values "liberal", but I'm not talking about "liberal" as in
"voting for Bernie Sanders", I'm talking about the idea of liberal
that grew out of the Peace treaties after the wars between the Protestants and
Catholics, when the power of the Pope over most of Europe was taken away and
people were allowed to think for themselves about what was right and wrong
without the threat of a torture chamber. One of those values is recognizing
when people are marginalized, discriminated against and oppressed. If you are
in a position to do something about that, it benefits you and everyone else to
do something. When you look at issues from that perspective, I believe you will
find that people who call themselves Muslims or Christians and even people who
call themselves Conservative, see the world in much the same way.
Now, I'd like to end on
that high note, but I want to be clear that my rose colored glasses are off. I
realize there are very few religious people who are reaching out to the rest of
the world in the way I just described. I'm not suggesting that people here
simply need to turn around and recognize that the world is full of tolerant,
pluralistic, LGBTQ organizing regular folks who just happen to also like
football and using hunting rifles in a responsible manner. I'm aware of how the
world works. I'm suggesting the promotion of tolerance and pluralism is our
responsibility and that it is work, work that requires self-reflection as much
as it requires speaking up about what others are doing.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Colonialism, new and old
Here’s a different way of looking at how the world has changed
since 1950. It’s a bit circuitous, but I think it illuminates something.
Malidoma Some experienced a very direct effect of the colonialism as an African
in a country occupied by the French and their missionaries. The colonial period
was ending and he ended up attending the University at Sorbonne. Western
countries now frown upon such colonial practices.
Western countries still do enforce their power over less
developed nations, but it’s much more subtle. How those less developed nations
respond is also complex and varied. I’m not going to attempt to sort out all of
those factors, but I will make a broader comparison from the old Western
colonialists to the current super powers. They are acting differently and how
they are opposed has evolved.
Malidoma talks about the value of indigenous culture and how
it can be applied to the modern world. I’m taking that and applying it to the
relationship to the Muslim world. Hopefully I explain enough of his story to
make this blog coherent. This is the story I’m referring to:
This book describes a major shift in the relationship of the
1st and 3rd world that occurred in the middle of the last
century. It does it by telling the story of one man, from his perspective, as
he experienced that shift. He was a boy in an African village and was kidnapped
by a French missionary and forced to go to their school. The French would train
these boys to be priests who would then return to their native villages and
attempt to convert more souls to Christ. First, imagine that happening today,
and what the world’s reaction would be.
Compare this indoctrination to the indoctrination happening
in the Madrasas today. Those African boys in Christian missionaries received a
complete education, the actual history of France, all of the corruption and
political problems. Young boys in Afghanistan get a very limited view of the
world. When they graduated from the French missionaries, they were given the
choice of becoming a priest or not, they were not given orders. The Syrian boys
might graduate to suicide bomber. The indoctrination was effective enough for
most of them. But Malidoma was smarter than average and saw that his teachers
could not make good arguments for continuing the French occupation. He saw the
changes coming. He escaped back to his village and asked them to teach him their
traditional tribal ways.
The closest equivalents we have today to people who have
escaped are moderate Muslims. People like Majid Nawaz who once recruited people
to the cause of Islamist power but are now progressive and speak against “Islamism”.
But people like that learned about Islamic history from “Westernized” “modern”
means. There are no traditional villages of Muslims because that religion was
born in an empire and it expanded that empire to one of the most successful in
history. Islam is not some quaint indigenous culture with ideas about living in
harmony with the land. It’s a defeated empire with memories of being defeated
by empires that are currently expanding.
The recruiters of terrorism have learned from the history of
the colonialists. They aren’t going to teach actual history. They aren’t going
to encourage democracy or equal rights or tolerance. They have been training
Imams and sending them into the modern world and slowly bringing their version
of their religion to the forefront. But they would have lost the battle of
ideas if they would have continued to only have a battle of ideas. After a few
failed attempts, they have managed to build an army to be reckoned with.
Most of us are not soldiers. But all of us have ideas about
what peace is, about what place religion should take in the modern world, about
how women should be treated. We can fight those battles every day. We do that
by acting peacefully and treating people with dignity. We do that by welcoming
strangers and helping those in need. These world-wide struggles for power will
continue, but we will always have each other.
In case you aren't aware of how children are indoctrinated into terrorism:
Monday, November 16, 2015
Faith Without Fear
After my not so flattering posts about
Irshad Manji, I thought I should take a closer look. I ordered her episode from PBS series “America at a Crossroads”, titled “Faith Without Fear”. It was a very personal documentary, featuring some
intimate moments with her mother. Through that she helps you explore
the ideas of faith and tribalism. I can't find it for free anywhere,
but it was only $9 and had lots of extras.
Here are her closing thoughts. Although
this was done in 2006, they are very timely.
I began my mission wanting to learn how we Muslims can change for the 21st century. Here's what I've discovered. We can no longer live by 7th century tribal culture. It distorts Islam today. I've also discovered that being offended is not the same as being oppressed. In a diverse world, offense is to be expected, so is debate. And we've got a tradition of debate, ijtihad. By honoring it, more Muslims could speak their minds and bust out of tribal conformity. My fellow Muslims, I have faith in our potential to change.
One of the extras is her doing a Q &
A after a screening in a very Muslim neighborhood in Detroit. As I
mentioned in the earlier blogs, she talks about something called
ijtihad, a philosophy of exploration and learning and acceptance of
the ideas of other cultures. Someone questions that if this becomes a
new ideology of the Islamic world, couldn't it be misused in the same
way Osama bin Laden has misused other teachings of Islam.
She completely agrees. But she says,
let's do it anyway. Let's let those ideas flower and see what comes
of it. I can't know what else she said since I wasn't there and it
could be that she was very aware of the somewhat hostile environment
she was in at the time. I hope she would have a more subtle or even
more critical response to that question if she were in a different environment.
A tribal and cultural
ideology that is open to interpretation and can be used to manipulate
is one thing. An idea that can be expressed in different cultures but
carries with it universal values of love, peace, tolerance and the
promotion of human flourishing and the understanding of the needs of
all creatures and the whole planet is something else entirely. I
think ijtihad is intended to promote the latter.
Ideas like this address not only religious fundamentalism, they address any oppressor or aggressor. They address the guy in Montana with guns in his basement waiting for the infrastructure to collapse. They address Pol Pot who answered to no god. They address any form of empiralism, no matter what ideological claims of righteous are behind it.
Ideas like this address not only religious fundamentalism, they address any oppressor or aggressor. They address the guy in Montana with guns in his basement waiting for the infrastructure to collapse. They address Pol Pot who answered to no god. They address any form of empiralism, no matter what ideological claims of righteous are behind it.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
That's what I'm saying
I went looking for more on Irshad
Manji, the author of the book review that I responded to last week.
That led me to the interview below. If you would, read what I have to
say, then see what you think about her idea of “reclaiming God's
good name.”
The more I listen to so-called moderate
believers, the more I find that we are in almost total agreement.
They are saying that their prophet, Jesus, Mohammad or Buddha or
whomever challenged the earlier prophets. That the religion they
created was a step forward for human progress, a movement of love and
inclusion and forgiveness that did not exist before they came along.
They then use that to justify continuing to study their prophet's words and
actions thousands of years later.
I agree, almost. When the New Testament
was written, Jews were enslaved, they had no homeland, no army. Rome
was a brutally oppressive society with a pantheon of gods and
emperors who were claiming to be born of a virgin and claiming they were gods. When
the Koran was written, female babies were killed and tribes traded
off enslaving each other as power shifted back and forth. Gautama
Buddha was born into a wealthy family that kept him isolated from the
horrors of the caste system. When his eyes were opened to it, he knew
it had to change.
The story of Jesus challenged not only
the Romans and their gods, but it directly spoke to the corruption
within Judaism. This can be found in the early chapters of the book of
Mark, as well in the character of Herod, a puppet Jewish King who cut
deals with the Romans and of course Judas selling out to the High
Priests. Even ignoring the scripture and just looking at how the
early Christians acted shows a break from traditions. They held small
meetings in homes where women studied alongside men and they took
care of their neighbors, regardless of their backgrounds.
I hear words and passages thrown around
when moderate Muslims talk about the Islamic golden age, between 800
and 1200. They may use ijtihad, which has to do with reasoning, or
falsafa, meaning philosophy. I'm not sure where exactly these are in
the scripture, and when I've seen them, they are mixed with praise
for Allah. I don't really care. I note that they are explicitly
honored in Islam as opposed to the way philosophy and thinking are
denigrated in the Bible, but words from history only matter if they
did indeed influence a culture. We know that Muslims built libraries,
improved their infrastructure, their agriculture, wrote poetry and
generally flourished while Europeans were 99% illiterate and worrying
about the end of times.
But of course all this ended. We know
more about the tribal aspects of Islam that are left over from before
Mohammed than we do about the progressive movement that people would
have actually embraced at the time. Conquering was the normal course
of events at the time, so the fact that they swept across North
African “converting” people was partially due to their military
power, but just as important was that the conquered people accepted
them as leaders because they did a better job than the idiots they
overthrew. And they allowed people to practice the religion of their
choice, with restrictions, but it was allowed.
When I say I “almost agree” with
these moderates about how their religions are based on peaceful and
progressive ideas, I'm not not sure where we actually disagree
because they won't talk about why those progressive movements failed.
Once you start talking about how the Catholics eventually partnered
with the Romans and started burning pagan churches or how the Islamic
golden age ended and Jews were expelled from the universities and the
death penalty for apostasy was actually enforced, the discussion
becomes irrational. You get accused of bringing up the worst aspects
of religion or of cherry picking history. This is ridiculous of
course because it is they who are refusing to discuss that history
and only want to discuss the times and the players in history that
promoted what we now think of as modern ethical behavior.
I don't bring up Augustine or
Al-Kahzali as proof that religion will always fail, I bring them up
to ask the question of why did the progressive movements fail? For
that matter, why are they failing now? Right now, we are all hoping
that the leaders of the Westboro United Baptist Church will just die
and no one will replace them or continue on with that work. They
don't allow anyone to have a reasonable conversation with them and I
don't know of anyone interested in trying. Once someone has chosen
the Bible as their only guide for how to act in the world, it is not
possible to use that Bible to change their minds. But just because you aren't a Bible thumping fundamentalist, it doesn't automatically make you reasonable. What is the progressive movement doing to directly address the problems created by fundamentalism?
The first century was a time when Jews changed how they looked at their
own laws by bringing in a new way of relating
to god. Slavery ended because the world grew to where
more people could see that no single tribe had a special place in the
hierarchy and that thinking that way was toxic to the world. Homosexuality is gaining more and more acceptance
because we are gaining a better understanding of the mind and we know
that just because we don't have certain impulses that doesn't mean
other people don't. We have learned to examine right and wrong by
examining the whole world, all living things, the entire eco-system
and the future of the planet. Soon we will be considering the future
of other planets.
Those religious movements failed
because they couldn't incorporate new information fast enough. The
Islamic movement is the last time in history that a new world view
took hold and united enough people to become an empire and last for
generations. Cultures were already mixing and oddly enough, Islam
accelerated that by taking paper making from China and translating
and copying knowledge from all over and spreading it further West.
When they got to translating not only the words but the ideas of the
ancient Greek texts they reawakened philosophies that had been lost
due to the barbarism of the 4th and 5th
centuries. After that, people had tools to question why they were being forced to worship a god. They began to expect a logical argument for it.
Where I agree with these moderates is
on the amazing work some small groups of people in history have done
to bring reason and progress into cultures that were literally
killing babies and promoting horrendous acts we would never allow
today. What they don't want to discuss is that those same small
groups also had some backwards ideas about where the universe came
from and how to deal with meat products or what clothes we should
wear. We've dealt with many of those beliefs and they don't seem to
mind that we all break most of the rules every day, but if you
suggest something like their prophet does not deserve to be worshiped
or that prayer doesn't work or the resurrection didn't happen, they
lose the ability to form a coherent argument, sometimes to form a coherent sentence. If you suggest we
shouldn't teach children these things until they are old enough to
think critically, they bring up ethics and traditions and community
and other issues that to me are completely unrelated.
My suggestion, and I have brought this up with pastors, friends and whomever cares to engage me, is that their prophet had something to say, and so did a bunch
of other prophets and philosophers. Why not just include them all?
Why fight over which character in a story is the coolest and instead
really dig into which ideas can actually bring about progress right
now? I have as yet not received an answer.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Regressive Liberalism
This blog won't make much sense if you don't read this article first. It's a review of book that is a discussion between an anti-religion atheist and a progressive Muslim. It just came out so I haven't read it yet, but I'm familiar with one of the authors. I’m not familiar with Irshad Manji, or her TED talk, but I don’t deny she’s accurately describing uncivil behavior. I’m sure her positive assessment of Harris’ new book, co-authored by Maajid Nawaz is also accurate.
The article begins where the book does and where the world is at, that is “interpretation is everything”, and there are a lot of people who believe their interpretation is the only correct one. They don’t even accept that their's is an interpretation, but simply a statement of truth that has been revealed and is beyond question. A world with enough weapons to destroy all living things can’t survive with that sort of thinking.
It falls on non-Muslims from secular nations to understand all the distinctions of political, revolutionary and militant Islam and how discrimination exists even in liberal Democratic states and how that affects Islam. I’m less qualified on Muslim culture, but don’t think it is beyond reason to expect Muslims to understand how their own culture is incubating the misinterpretations that lead to what Nawaz calls “Islamism”. Harris, a product of a secular liberal democracy, has no problem pointing out the influence of religious beliefs on a group like the Islamic State, and wonders why more liberals don’t join him.
At this point, Manji goes a bit off the rails of reality and says Harris and other atheists don’t make enough noise about hatred toward Muslims. From what I know of Harris, he has standards and values and he applies them evenly. When Manji says, “The caricature of faith to which some atheists resort is proof positive” (of the irrationality of humans), I think she is pulling the cover back over Islamist extremism. That cover has been used to gain sympathy for decades. It’s one thing to get sympathy for oppressed people, yet another to expect sympathy of cultural differences that break universal norms.
There are clear differences between a violent act that draws attention to the plight of the oppressed and the acts of an oppressor attempting to gain or maintain power. People use faith to justify violence, that’s not a caricature. Manji needs to clarify what she is talking about, because it doesn’t work as support for her argument here.
Manji really fails in her analysis of Nawaz’s solutions. She says “ideas are abstract, a feeble bulwark against the emotional comfort of belonging to tribes”. The “ideas” of human rights and democracy, are much less abstract than believing in a savor or worshiping a prophet. She admitted it’s all about interpretation earlier, but now seems willing to say that’s fine as long it’s comforting. Se commits the fallacy of caricature that she just put down when she says by “secular” Nawaz meant “American separation of church and state”. That is hardly unique to America and hardly the definition of secular. Again she needs to explain what the problem is here, beyond simply saying it can become dogma.
Manji attempts to explain herself using quotes from Jonathan Sacks, a poor choice in my opinion. The quote from him, “no society has survived for long without either a religion or a substitute for religion,” ignores the historic context of what religion has been and why it has had such staying power. There are many people finding meaning and identity and participating in something larger than themselves without reciting a creed that they don’t fully believe every Sunday or Friday or whatever their holy day is. Society has not just survived, it has thrived because we stopped allowing Kings to tell us who to worship and who to kill because they worshiped differently.
She goes on to explain Sacks’ new rereading of Genesis. Something I have grown so tired of I can no longer find the energy to even address. A rereading of ancient scripture does not erase all the other readings. It doesn’t remove the more obvious meaning of the words. Whether or not the obvious meaning is the correct interpretation is not the point. If you continue to treat an ancient story of unknown origin, passed through multiple languages as if it contains a truth that overrides more contemporary philosophy, we’ll continue to have the same problems we’ve always had. We’ll continue to have these cryptic messages lying around waiting to be misinterpreted.
Somehow, Manji admits this while saying Harris is missing the point. She quotes Sacks, “fundamentalists and today’s atheists” both ignore “the single most important fact about a sacred text, namely that it’s meaning is not self-evident.” Trying to interpret the Bible better is not a solution, that’s the problem. The problem is a rabbi can obfuscate a discussion about being civil by saying we should read the Bible, but we should read it the way he says instead of the way a million other people say, and that should end the argument. I don't know why Manji doesn't see this is just starting a new argument.
And that is not the low point of the article. I hang my head when I read stuff like this. Manji continues to say Sacks has the solution, which is teaching more people about his interpretation of the Bible. Although she (Manji) admits, “But as he (Sacks) admits early on, ‘decades of anti-racist legislation, interfaith dialogue and Holocaust education’ have not prevented the mess we are in. Why would it be different now?” What messes are they talking about? The Berlin wall is down, more and more people can vote, I can travel to Iran, there are whole organizations where Jews and Palestinians work together, and fundamentalists are increasingly disparaged. Perhaps the problem is Manji is doesn’t know what success looks like.
If people are reading scripture and finding peace in it, great, but they should do it on their own time and make no demands of others to participate in their study beyond the normal marketplace of ideas. That is, their ideas should stand or fall on their merits. They don't get special considerations because of their age, their cultural acceptance, and certainly not for their claimed divine source.
She does end on a positive note and reminds me to be respectful of her ideas, so I’m open to feedback. I have seen other more supportive statements from her of Harris and Nawaz's work. She also reminds us of how Western Christianity went through brutal wars before it was reformed. That’s a lesson that I think we have forgotten and are learning it again alongside our Muslim brothers and sisters. We can sit idly by and hope they work it out or we can share our stories and work together toward a more peaceful world.
The article begins where the book does and where the world is at, that is “interpretation is everything”, and there are a lot of people who believe their interpretation is the only correct one. They don’t even accept that their's is an interpretation, but simply a statement of truth that has been revealed and is beyond question. A world with enough weapons to destroy all living things can’t survive with that sort of thinking.
It falls on non-Muslims from secular nations to understand all the distinctions of political, revolutionary and militant Islam and how discrimination exists even in liberal Democratic states and how that affects Islam. I’m less qualified on Muslim culture, but don’t think it is beyond reason to expect Muslims to understand how their own culture is incubating the misinterpretations that lead to what Nawaz calls “Islamism”. Harris, a product of a secular liberal democracy, has no problem pointing out the influence of religious beliefs on a group like the Islamic State, and wonders why more liberals don’t join him.
At this point, Manji goes a bit off the rails of reality and says Harris and other atheists don’t make enough noise about hatred toward Muslims. From what I know of Harris, he has standards and values and he applies them evenly. When Manji says, “The caricature of faith to which some atheists resort is proof positive” (of the irrationality of humans), I think she is pulling the cover back over Islamist extremism. That cover has been used to gain sympathy for decades. It’s one thing to get sympathy for oppressed people, yet another to expect sympathy of cultural differences that break universal norms.
There are clear differences between a violent act that draws attention to the plight of the oppressed and the acts of an oppressor attempting to gain or maintain power. People use faith to justify violence, that’s not a caricature. Manji needs to clarify what she is talking about, because it doesn’t work as support for her argument here.
Manji really fails in her analysis of Nawaz’s solutions. She says “ideas are abstract, a feeble bulwark against the emotional comfort of belonging to tribes”. The “ideas” of human rights and democracy, are much less abstract than believing in a savor or worshiping a prophet. She admitted it’s all about interpretation earlier, but now seems willing to say that’s fine as long it’s comforting. Se commits the fallacy of caricature that she just put down when she says by “secular” Nawaz meant “American separation of church and state”. That is hardly unique to America and hardly the definition of secular. Again she needs to explain what the problem is here, beyond simply saying it can become dogma.
Manji attempts to explain herself using quotes from Jonathan Sacks, a poor choice in my opinion. The quote from him, “no society has survived for long without either a religion or a substitute for religion,” ignores the historic context of what religion has been and why it has had such staying power. There are many people finding meaning and identity and participating in something larger than themselves without reciting a creed that they don’t fully believe every Sunday or Friday or whatever their holy day is. Society has not just survived, it has thrived because we stopped allowing Kings to tell us who to worship and who to kill because they worshiped differently.
She goes on to explain Sacks’ new rereading of Genesis. Something I have grown so tired of I can no longer find the energy to even address. A rereading of ancient scripture does not erase all the other readings. It doesn’t remove the more obvious meaning of the words. Whether or not the obvious meaning is the correct interpretation is not the point. If you continue to treat an ancient story of unknown origin, passed through multiple languages as if it contains a truth that overrides more contemporary philosophy, we’ll continue to have the same problems we’ve always had. We’ll continue to have these cryptic messages lying around waiting to be misinterpreted.
Somehow, Manji admits this while saying Harris is missing the point. She quotes Sacks, “fundamentalists and today’s atheists” both ignore “the single most important fact about a sacred text, namely that it’s meaning is not self-evident.” Trying to interpret the Bible better is not a solution, that’s the problem. The problem is a rabbi can obfuscate a discussion about being civil by saying we should read the Bible, but we should read it the way he says instead of the way a million other people say, and that should end the argument. I don't know why Manji doesn't see this is just starting a new argument.
And that is not the low point of the article. I hang my head when I read stuff like this. Manji continues to say Sacks has the solution, which is teaching more people about his interpretation of the Bible. Although she (Manji) admits, “But as he (Sacks) admits early on, ‘decades of anti-racist legislation, interfaith dialogue and Holocaust education’ have not prevented the mess we are in. Why would it be different now?” What messes are they talking about? The Berlin wall is down, more and more people can vote, I can travel to Iran, there are whole organizations where Jews and Palestinians work together, and fundamentalists are increasingly disparaged. Perhaps the problem is Manji is doesn’t know what success looks like.
If people are reading scripture and finding peace in it, great, but they should do it on their own time and make no demands of others to participate in their study beyond the normal marketplace of ideas. That is, their ideas should stand or fall on their merits. They don't get special considerations because of their age, their cultural acceptance, and certainly not for their claimed divine source.
She does end on a positive note and reminds me to be respectful of her ideas, so I’m open to feedback. I have seen other more supportive statements from her of Harris and Nawaz's work. She also reminds us of how Western Christianity went through brutal wars before it was reformed. That’s a lesson that I think we have forgotten and are learning it again alongside our Muslim brothers and sisters. We can sit idly by and hope they work it out or we can share our stories and work together toward a more peaceful world.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Deep Time
Oliver Sacks died recently. In memory of him, Neil DeGrasse
Tyson replayed an episode of his show about him for Star Talk. You can look
that up, I’m trying to cut back on linking things for people.
One of the stories that Sacks tells is about his mother when
he was a kid. They were walking around in their yard and she told him about
bees fertilizing flowers. A bit later, they saw a Magnolia tree that was being
fertilized by beetles. Why would one thing be fertilized by bees and another by
beetles? Her answer was one that most mothers couldn’t provide, particularly at
the time Oliver was a boy. She said it’s because that tree evolved 80,000 years
ago when there were no bees, and it stuck with the beetles as its pollinator.
Upon hearing that, it gave him a rather profound experience
of deep time. It’s difficult for human beings to comprehend the space of their
own lifetime, let alone the lifetimes of ancestors they know about. Imagining
beyond a few hundred years or into the thousands is almost impossible. We can
demonstrate that things happened, show evidence for it, but keeping it straight
in our heads, we just aren’t wired up for that.
The experience Sacks had is one that few people his age
could have had, due simply to lack of knowledge. Most mothers didn’t know this.
Fathers either. Even parents today would have trouble googling the answer, if
they even noticed the beetles on the Magnolia tree. And if you go back just to
your great grandparent’s time, no one knew this. No one was trying to comprehend a 13.7 billion year old universe,
because we didn’t know it was that old. We didn’t even know where bees came
When I’m asked why I prefer science over religion, I’m
sometimes asked why I prefer knowing all the answers over mystery. Well, I
don’t have that preference. I don’t know all the answers so there is plenty of
mystery. The question is then fine tuned to why I only accept things that are
proven. Well, I don’t do that either.
I wake up in a universe full of unknowns every day. I
navigate an uncertain future. I assume the sun won’t explode today, but I can’t
prove it. I trust someone is keeping an eye on that and would let me know if
they thought it would happen anytime soon. If we discover something today that
no one expected, then I’ll work on including that in my point of view and deal
with all the new questions I’ll have because of it.
More recently, a pastor from my last church put this quote
on facebook:
Church never made me aware of evolution and the amazing
series of unlikely events that led to a tamarack tree turning golden brown then
dropping it’s needles in the Fall. At best, someone would occasionally remark
on the beauty of a tree or something else amazing about “God’s creation”. I never saw how wonder is inspired by assigning
nature a role of simply part of God. That puts an end to wonder. It only
shifts wonder from the many discoverable details happening in front us to
something that can’t be found. I’m using their definition here, gods are
defined as something you seek, but you can never know or understand them completely.
Eventually it came to seem like a trick. Something to draw
me in. Something I was supposed to get closer to if I read the next book or
attended the next retreat, but like a radio play that always has a cliff
hanger, it was more important to create a question than to seek an answer. Why
do we need a god to cause us to wonder anyway? Aren’t we doing that already? We
can see curiosity in other animals. We can see in artifacts when humans started
to make idols and honor their dead. We went from primitive religions to the
complex. We weren’t haplessly bumping around not wondering about anything until
a shaman came up and told us to.
In Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha, the man seeking enlightenment
sits on a bridge and stares at the river flowing under it for days. He does
this after living a long life with successes and failures. As a young man, Malidoma
Some was told by his elders to stare at a tree for hours until it talked to
him. Neil DeGrasse Tyson attended a planetarium when he was young and it inspired
a life long love of understanding the cosmos. There’s nothing like that in the
Bible. If anything, these fit Biblical descriptions of witchcraft or the dangers of philosophy. If learning by observing nature, by wondering what it can tell us, if that’s
witchcraft, get my broom.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
8 points of Progressive Christianity
This one flew by my virtual desktop the
other day. I don't remember whence it came. It sounds nice at first
glance, and you know there is a “but” coming after that, don't
you? By time you get to the bottom, it sounds like all the good peace
and harmony things in one tidy list. They didn't even try to force it
to 10 items. Kudos.
I'll start at the bottom, where all
those nice things are.
Items 4 through 8 are just basic human
dignities. No society can survive for long without them. Even a
repressive regime tells people they have these rights. George W Bush
said he only choose war because that's what he needed to do to
achieve peace. The language may lean toward the “liberal” end of
the spectrum, such as “restore the integrity of our Earth”, but
even those who claim dominion over the earth will usually say they
are stewards.
I'll give a few extra points for item
5, “search for understanding” and valuing questions. Not
everybody gets the importance of that. Of course saying that is
different than actually responding to a question that challenges your
world view in a truly open minded and respectful manner. But I don't
need to get into the problems of implementing the list.
Moving up to item 3, atheists are not
included. Probably because it implies an end to all of that
questioning. You could say that's true, but only for religious
questions. Atheists of course continue to ask all the questions that
everyone else does, like why are we here, what's right, what's good,
and what's for breakfast. I have enjoyed spending time in awe and
wonder with people who had no idea I didn't believe in their god.
Atheism leaves wonder and openness intact while concluding that
enough work has been done on all existing theories of Christianity.
I’m not interested in a church that
accepts atheists anyway. I’m interested in a community that
accepts everyone for who they are. This doesn’t mean anything goes.
It means whatever the community is organizing to do, it’s rules
about who can join in are related to reaching that goal. Churches
have goals and committees and functions, but if you want in, you have
to pledge allegiance to a character in a book. You have to say you
believe that things in that story are true. Most people do it without
their heart really being in it, but if someone comes along and
questions what’s in their heart, the wagons begin circle very
At least that's how it is for me, maybe they had some other atheists in mind when they left them
off, and the item does say “ALL”, so that's nice.
Now I need to jump up to Item #1
because #2 doesn't make sense without it. This list starts with the
same old barrier that has been around since the beginning, “believeth
in me”. I realize that without that, there's no point in having
this be about Christianity, but with it, why call it “progressive”?
If you want an open community like you say in #3 that accomplishes
the things in 4 through 8, why not just say you are a progressive
“org” and then say something about welcoming faith traditions if
you want. It would really simplify things.
In Item #2, it's almost apologizing for
#1. After saying Jesus is the path to the Sacred and Oneness and
Unity, it says that there are other ways to get there too. This one
also has implementation problems. Just where can you go for this
other wisdom? I went to a church that had a Ojibwa pipe ceremony in
the basement once, Sufi dancing now and then on a Saturday night, and
read from the Tao Te Ching every Sunday. But that was about it. And
that's the most progressive church I've ever heard of. Even
Unitarians tend to stick to Western Christian ideas.
The general feel I get from this list
is, you’re fine with me choosing any belief system, but heaven
forbid I choose a system that isn’t based on beliefs at all. Back
when I taught Sunday School, I put a poster up in my class that had
15 different versions of what Christians call “The Golden Rule”
from a variety of faith traditions, and Confucius, who made no
supernatural claim. I've never seen that poster in any other church.
I've seen high ranking religious leaders who were unaware that there
were other versions. And something like that is not really much of a
stretch. I can't imagine an adult Sunday School bringing Hume to
their discussion on ethics or Sam Harris to their discussion of free
The question not addressed in this list
is, what are you trying to accomplish? Is it the stuff in the second
half or is making a statement about being inclusive as in 2 and 3
important, or is it all about Jesus and the Sacred and Oneness? Just
what those capitalized words mean is a problem for me. It seems when
I ask that question, they lead to the other points, so why not just
dump the first 3? It would be much easier to understand if you just
said you were a group of people that wanted to save the world. That's
enough to set you apart.
The only honest answer, the only reason
I can see to why you would start off with a belief statement, is that
you think that is of primary importance. Nothing else here explains
why that is important, and no church I've ever been to or theology
I've ever heard of does anything but make that as an assertion. It is simply stated that Jesus leads to these things and the only way to find out
is to try it for yourself. If you don't get it, you're doing it wrong
and you're not in the club. I don't see what is so progressive about
getting along
Friday, October 16, 2015
Northwoods Naturals Red Spritz

Secrets of Proenneke Cabin
"He gestured vaguely and mentioned
a few landmarks along the way, being careful not to make it too
I read a version of the legend of
Parceval just before heading off to Alaska this summer. My trip was
not legendary, except perhaps in my own mind. The words above
however, taken from that story, were with me. The scene is a young
Parceval, living in the woods, unaware of Camelot. Two Knights appear
and see something in the boy, but only give him enough to awaken his
sense adventure.
The attitude toward hiking in Alaska is
different than most places I've been. Most parks and wilderness areas
will have a variety of warnings and requirements. Where I went in
Alaska, there were no permits required, I didn't need to check-in
anywhere, if I hadn't initiated contact, they wouldn't have known I
was there. There was no signage, no trailheads, no warnings posted.
Part of this is, I'm sure, due to
the sheer enormity of the space and the barriers that have to be
overcome to get there. Most of the filtering out of people is done by
nature. If you manage to get by the mountains, the snow and the
freezing water, there are the bears. Let's hope the Alaska Department
of Natural Resources isn't thinking that they want to throw you the
wolves, or bears, or whatever else might be out there, but they
definitely expect you to figure out more for yourself than your
average walk in a park.
There is a sketchy explanation of the a
few hikes around the Proenneke cabin area on the NPS website.
The hike I originally planned involved walking along the lake shore
and, as their description says, "you should be able to discern
which drainage will lead to Low Pass because it's the most
significant one in the vicinity...". Now, without surveying the
entire area, I don't know how you would determine "most
significant", worse, as far as I can tell, the directions start
off sending you east, when you should go west. After that, they say,
"follow the tundra ridge to the pass."
I wanted to make this a loop route, and
the Low Pass description says that at some point, that will lead you
to the Hope Creek route. That description refers you to the Hope
Creek route description, which says that at some point, it will lead
to the Low Pass route. That's as good as it gets.
I have some experience with reading
topographic maps, but if a pass has a name, I don't know how you find
it without that name appearing on the map. I read a few other
descriptions written on wilderness guide websites, but I would expect
them to be vague, since they want you to pay them for what they know.
I thought I had hit pay dirt when I found someone's homemade map, a
satellite photo with a big arrow on it that said "Low Pass".
I matched that up to my topos and found a wide area that was at 3,000
ft, surrounded by the 5,000 or more foot peaks. This seemed to be
In case I sound like someone who was
proceeding foolishly, I was, but I wouldn't have tried this without
someone who had some experience along with me. Luckily I have a
brother who lives in Alaska and has worked in the brush. He reviewed
my plan and said it was aggressive. Actually he said, "whoa,
whoa, whoa". Anyway, we changed the plan to the Hope Creek
route. This one proceeds due south from the cabin, following a creek.
It even starts out with some trail, but that trail quickly starts to
break up.
By the way, I looked for books on
hiking in Alaska. I checked guide books, there was less in them than
what I found on the NPS site. On the drive to Homer, we stopped at a
map shop. Nothing. I found a copy of a National Geographic map of
Lake Clarke park on sale on amazon. It was $350. Apparently paper
maps are a collector's item. I was hoping maybe one of the float
plane operators I talked to would give me a little free info, but
most of them hadn't even been there.
Crossing the mountains on the way there
gave me some appreciation of what I was getting into. It's a mere 20
miles or so on the map, but looking down on the cliffs and snow
covered peaks, I knew I wouldn't be walking out of there if anything
went wrong. It was a little bit of a relief when we were greeted on
the radio as we flew up into the Twin Lakes valley. We landed right
at the cabin, which is just a few feet from the water and were
greeted by a rainbow that also came right down to the water. I
realized that was something special when I saw how excited the park
ranger and float plane pilot were. I would have thought that was
something they see every week.
After spending some time in the
historic cabin and getting the obligatory picture in the doorway, we
tried again to get intel on the hike from our park ranger. We got a
couple more details on the Hope Creek route, but it ended with the
same "then you get up on the ridges and you can follow them over
to Low Pass." She literally waved her hand over the map at this
point. Once again, "whoa, whoa, whoa." But that was the
best we were going to get.
The actual experience was, as my
brother expected, much slower than I expected. If we had known better
about where we were going, we might have made it over the ridge and
back down the other way. After a day and a half of hiking, we made it
to a ridge, and could see where it went over into the next valley.
Ridge hiking is a much easier hiking experience than the side of
mountain covered with low bush cranberries and blueberries and
various lichens. But there were many unknowns beyond that and no
reason to challenge them.
When we got back, we met one more park
ranger, and that one finally pointed right to a spot on the map and
said, "that's Low Pass". It was the next valley over, much
more narrow than the one I had found and another 1,000 ft higher. I
could also see by looking at where the streams started, that there
had to be ridges between them, and by following those high spots, it
would lead you right to the ridge we had stood on above Hope Creek.
I didn't actually go there,
so don't take these directions as anything close to a suggestion that
you go there and follow them. I can't know what was over the high
point that I saw. Just before we got to the ridge, we had a choice
between a 200 ft mound of boulders and a scree slope. I choose poorly
and could have easily lost a lot of progress or been injured sliding
down that. Some scree is listed on maps, but most of it isn't. If a
description of an Alaskan hike says "This route crosses a couple
steep scree slopes", as the Low Pass description does, you
should take that very seriously.
There are many things to do
around the Proenneke cabin. There is a small camp site right there
with metal caches to keep the bears away from your food. You can hike
the shore line. There is one rustic lodge on the opposite side of
Upper Twin Lake. Port Alsworth is not far away on a large lake with
many lodges. Many people fly from there and visit the area for a just
a couple hours. I would recommend any or all of those. Whatever you
do, don't miss enjoying the incredible scenery.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
In 1493, Columbus took everything he could see
It’s one of my favorite time’s of year again, when people
talk about how Columbus
ruined everything. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no big fan of the European take over
of what is now called the Americas .
I’m also not a fan of bad history. According to the memes that come out this
time of year, Columbus
invented slavery.
There is no question that the particular brand of slavery
that existed from Africa to America
and included the natives in the Americas
was particularly horrible in human history. There is no question that
Christianity supported slavery and it was in turn supported by the Old
Testament. It is also unquestionable that slavery has been a part of every
civilization. It’s elimination is very recent and very unique. The colonizers
that began with Columbus
are not unique at all.
Slavery in the Americas
began thousands of years before Columbus
ever got there. And I’m not talking about the Vikings. Native tribes conquered
and enslaved each other. I’m not going to provide links, by the way, since this
is too well known to bother. Also well known is the participation of Africans
in the African slave trade. None of this makes any of it right. That something
has been done throughout human history is not an argument for it being normal,
ethical or intractable. People who took slaves were always wrong. They were
also products of their environment.
One easily misused statistic is the number of people who
died in the centuries following 1492. It was on the level of the Nazi
holocaust. Pre-Columbian population figures are a little hard to come by, but
deaths were in the millions. We know there were conquistadors sweeping across
the southern continent and small colonies moving in along the east coast at
this time. But millions of deaths spread across vast stretches of territory
that were unmapped by Europeans have to be accounted for. The only sensible
explanation is disease.
The Americas
were first populated by people crossing the Bering Strait
land bridge 10,000 years ago. Generations of living in extreme cold in Siberia
and the tundra of the Americas
killed off a lot of immunity that people in Europe
maintained. Europe and Asia have cows, pigs
and horses and constant contact with those animals weeded out anyone not immune
to the diseases they carry. When they came back in contact with their cousins
that they had parted with so long ago, they brought those diseases with them.
No, I’m not ignoring that this was later done deliberately,
but that was much later. Missionaries that gave Indians infected blankets did not
exist until colonies were well established. Missionaries can’t exist at all
without a strong military presence protecting them. The history of that is also
confused and sometimes exaggerated, but it certainly had nothing to do with Columbus .
Neither am I ignoring that by today’s standards, Columbus was a wack job.
I recently read “Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem ”. The title
alone grabbed my attention. He never went to Jerusalem ,
but according to his own diary, his intention for finding a route to India was to enrich Spain
and the Catholic Church so they could re-conquer Jerusalem . If you remember, Jerusalem was under Muslim rule at the time. Columbus would out
fundamental any fundamentalist of today. And why not? That’s all there was.
There was no discussion about freedom of religion, you took the religion of
your kingdom, or you got out of there, alive if you were lucky. If the Pope
said slavery was okay, it was okay. Martin Luther was only 9 years old. It was
a different time that we can barely understand. Having Christians in control of
the birthplace of Jesus was vitally important to the survival and future of Columbus ’ culture. The
idea of Jews at the Wailing Wall, the sound of the Muslim call to prayer and
tours of Jesus’ tomb all in one city would be unheard of to him.
Despite his confusion about the size of the earth, Columbus was a decent
navigator, he did make contact with another culture, and he did find gold. If
you think any of that was easy, read this story about how he was stranded on Jamaica for a
year. A few of his men found their way back to Haiti(then called Hispaniola) in what was essentially a canoe. This was also the time he lied to the natives about controlling the sun when he
knew of an eclipse that was coming. He did it to gain favors from them. Anyone
who tells that story without also telling of how he did it when he was cut off
from anything resembling his civilization, is essentially lying by omission.
The above link also mentions Bobadilla. This was another
reason I picked up the book. I had heard of a letter that had recently been uncovered listing many crimes of Columbus. You may have heard of it. As I read the book, I kept expecting to hear about
these crimes, but they weren’t listed, at least not coming from Columbus . Columbus writes about events going on across
the island that were out of his control and that he did not condone. Maybe he
could have done more to prevent them.
Instead of entries about thoughtless treatment, I read of
how he had to leave some men behind on his first voyage and gave them strict
instructions to stick to themselves and not bother the natives. Now, he also
took natives with him against their will, so he was no saint. When he returned
he found the men he had left behind had fought with the natives, and they (Columbus ’ men) had been
killed. Getting their killers to describe what had happened of course would
have been a challenge.
The history of the rest of what happened during Columbus ’ life is, shall
we say, muddled. He was told by Spain
not to take slaves, but he did anyway, even sending some of them back to Spain . There
seemed to be no penalty for this. Even at the time, Ferdinand and Isabella couldn’t
figure out what was going on and had to send investigators. The second voyage
was definitely a military mission and included priests and farmers who
established colonies. Those priests complained that in some of those colonies
the slaves were mistreated. To me today, “mistreated slave” is kind of an
oxymoron. You’ve already taken someone away from their culture and made them
work for free. How is that okay, but there is still a further line that
crosses into “cruelty”?
It is hard to tell from the few records we have, but the
theme of the book I read was that many of the people who were brought to
colonize this new world expected gold to be flowing out of the hills and slaves
to bring it to them. When they found out they had to work, and that the “New
World” had new diseases, they blamed Columbus
for mismanagement. This is when Bobadilla enters the story and puts Columbus in chains.
When the story is told as if everything in Bobadilla’s
letter is true, it sounds strange that Columbus
was released and allowed to return, although he was stripped of his governorship.
It makes more sense when you read accounts of the monarchs who found it strange
that Columbus
arrived at court in manacles. This was perhaps a shrewd political move by Columbus because the
Captain of the ship that took him home offered to remove them. But Columbus wanted his
patrons to see how Bobadilla had treated him. I lean more toward the theory
that Bobadilla wanted to rule the territory without having had to do all the work of
discovering it.
I can hardly summarize a book in six paragraphs and
everything I’ve said comes with a disclaimer that the history is incomplete. My
intention here is to supply a little more background than a painting from 500
years ago or a scrap of evidence with no context. How we treated the people we
called “Indians” in later centuries; cutting their hair, making their language
illegal, killing off the buffalo, all of that is inexcusable. It was also
supported by our government after we had made a constitution that spoke of
freedom and human rights. It was perpetrated by Presidents that we call heroic.
Anyone living in the United
States today benefits from those policies,
excluding of the course many of the descendants of the people who were here
first. We would be better off discussing how that affects people alive today
than either celebrating or denigrating a man we know little about from 500
years ago.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
The Least of These
I occasionally review my posts to see if I said something I want to retract. I don't edit out what I said, but have commented on myself a few times. Recently, at the Lake Superior Free Thinkers regular meeting, we had a philosopher, Shane Coultron, speak who corrected me on something I've mentioned now and then. That is, I have said I can't find a similar statement about the Christian idea of "that which you do to me (Jesus), you do to the least of these (i.e. the poor or sick)."
Turns out that is addressed by modern philosophies, it's just not as easy to find in a short concise phrase like it is in the New Testament. Shane gave me several examples:
Utilitarianism - If you are simply adding up happiness and basing choices on increasing it, you would do well to focus on down trodden, poor, sick people. Their happiness rating is lower. This is born out with sociological data, although there are those communities of people with limited means that are quite happy. Utilitarianism does not make broad generalizations about what it takes to be happy. The important application of it here is that if you focus on those who have the most needs, you will make the most difference in increasing their happiness and likewise increase overall happiness for all. This includes the assumption that even if you are well off, it makes you sad that others aren't. Again, plenty of exceptions to that assumption, but they don't matter to the overall score.
But Utilitarianism has other problems, and I don't like defending it too strongly.
I prefer the more subtle assumptions and laws discussed in what is sometimes called Social Contract Theory. The idea that we came out of the jungle and made agreements to act in ways that are mutually beneficial. In this system, ignoring the needs of any group has a cost. If there is not good reason to restrict someone's rights or to not reward them for their contribution, they can reasonably consider the social contract to be broken. As society has advanced, we have created better peaceful means of addressing these grievances, but many remain.
History shows us how this plays out. Marx's analysis of the cycle of cultures working together to increase their wealth, then that wealth becoming concentrated, then revolution, has strong historical data to back it up. We see it happening again now, but we also see more negotiating under way. Hopefully this time around we will acknowledge "the least of these" and find a way to re-establish the contract.
I'll just mention that Shane said Kant's de-ontological ethics also addressed this issue, but I don't find Kant particularly interesting so I leave it up to you to look into that.
Turns out that is addressed by modern philosophies, it's just not as easy to find in a short concise phrase like it is in the New Testament. Shane gave me several examples:
Utilitarianism - If you are simply adding up happiness and basing choices on increasing it, you would do well to focus on down trodden, poor, sick people. Their happiness rating is lower. This is born out with sociological data, although there are those communities of people with limited means that are quite happy. Utilitarianism does not make broad generalizations about what it takes to be happy. The important application of it here is that if you focus on those who have the most needs, you will make the most difference in increasing their happiness and likewise increase overall happiness for all. This includes the assumption that even if you are well off, it makes you sad that others aren't. Again, plenty of exceptions to that assumption, but they don't matter to the overall score.
But Utilitarianism has other problems, and I don't like defending it too strongly.
I prefer the more subtle assumptions and laws discussed in what is sometimes called Social Contract Theory. The idea that we came out of the jungle and made agreements to act in ways that are mutually beneficial. In this system, ignoring the needs of any group has a cost. If there is not good reason to restrict someone's rights or to not reward them for their contribution, they can reasonably consider the social contract to be broken. As society has advanced, we have created better peaceful means of addressing these grievances, but many remain.
History shows us how this plays out. Marx's analysis of the cycle of cultures working together to increase their wealth, then that wealth becoming concentrated, then revolution, has strong historical data to back it up. We see it happening again now, but we also see more negotiating under way. Hopefully this time around we will acknowledge "the least of these" and find a way to re-establish the contract.
I'll just mention that Shane said Kant's de-ontological ethics also addressed this issue, but I don't find Kant particularly interesting so I leave it up to you to look into that.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Not so alone
Another thing that kept me away from
blogging last month was that I spent half of it in Alaska. I wrote a
two page epic hiking adventure in the journal at a yurt one night,
visited a couple Russian churches, and took a few notes on my visit
to a cabin in the wilderness that is on the National Registry of
Historic Places. The cabin was built by Richard Proenneke and has
been made semi-famous by a half-hour documentary featuring him.
He is known for his longevity, he spent
30 years in that cabin. He was also known for his craftsmanship, the
handle mechanism on the door is ingenious. He is a little lesser
known for his environmentalism.
In 1967 he was retired from the Navy
and decided that building a cabin in Alaska would be a challenge he’d
like to try. Challenging himself was a way of life. He had a friend
who had a cabin on Upper Twin Lake, just north of Port Alsworth, so
he spent that summer walking the area, finally settling on a spot
right next to his friend.
There were no hardware stores in the
area so whatever he needed, he had to bring or build. Space was saved
by bringing only the metal parts of drills or chisels and fashioning
the handles once he was there. This also led to one of my favorite
lines from the documentary, “today I needed a spoon, so I made a
His skills were excellent, and his
hiking pace was legendary, but many people have accomplished such
things in Alaska and elsewhere. Mr. Proenneke felt the lifestyle of
accomplishing things on your own, not wasting anything and spending
time reflecting on the wilderness, was worth sharing, so he also
filmed himself as he built and stocked the cabin. Originally, he
probably had no more in mind that simply making some instructional
manuals so others could share the experience.
As he returned to that isolated
wilderness year after year, he noted changes in people who came to
the area. He saw people no longer caring about the values he
cherished. Something you’ll see in his film or if you visit his
cabin is a lot of gas cans. He fashioned many useful storage and
carrying items by recycling old gas cans. But where did they come
from? He didn’t have a chainsaw or gas stove. They came from the
hunters. They would come out, shoot their moose and sometimes leave
everything behind except the antlers.
He wrote not only about how to live in
the woods but of the experience. Others, Sam Keith in particular, put
those journals and film into production and he gained a little fame.
This was not his goal, since of the gifts he said, “My
cabin and cache have been full to overflowing for quite some time and
each new load makes me wonder where I will stow it all. ... I do
appreciate everything but wish they would consider the poor miserable
brush rat more fortunate than they and spend their money to beat
death and taxes.”
When you see him talking about himself,
it’s easy to assume a level of conceit, but if wasn’t for his friends, we probably would have never heard of him. One of the park
rangers at the cabin said he corresponded with Aldo Leopold and
Willard Munger, but I haven’t been able to confirm that. She said
Dick did not save his letters, something that comes from living a
sparse lifestyle. So whatever he did, that’s lost to history.
Summing up my feelings about this
pilgrimage has been more of a challenge than I expected. The man
remains a bit of a mystery, and as with any public figure, he’s
what each of us want him to be. What struck me most on this trip was
that he did not harbor much anger. In any of the short descriptions
of him, no one ever called him “crusty” or a curmudgeon. Instead
they went out of their way to note how friendly he was despite his
isolation. Even his hunting was kept to a minimum, apparently out of
a kinship with the animals who shared his valley.
This is not to say that he withheld his
opinion. Throughout his discussions about carving handles or
constructing a food cache he scatters tidbits of the value of making
something useful, and being able to make something with quality and
craftsmanship. He ends his first book with a longer discussion on
those philosophies and on the positive affects it would have on all
of us if more people adopted them.
To try to give some sense of the man,
here’s part of a note that was left on his table,
“You didn’t find a padlock on my
door (maybe I should put one on) for I feel that a cabin in the
wilderness should be open to those who need shelter. My charge for
the use of it is reasonable, I think, although some no doubt will be
unable to afford what I ask, and that is – take care of it as if
you had carved it out with hand tools as I did. If when you leave
your conscience is clear, then you have paid the full amount.
This is beautiful country. It is even
more beautiful when the animals are left alive.
Thank you for your cooperation.”
R.L Proenneke
Somehow he managed to be “alone”
yet engaged. While alone he was listening to the world. He saw the
rise of polluters from the hunters to corporations. He also saw that
just as no single person can solve our environmental problems, no
single person caused them. Instead of loudly broadcasting anger over
the changes in the world he did not care for, he quietly showed us
how to live not just in nature, but with each other.
getting along,
Monday, September 14, 2015
Lots of good stuff going on this month, and signs of Fall
are beginning, including an uptick in my blogging. My summer vacations included
a lot of reflection and philosophical discussion with family and friends. One
of those discussions was about something I did half a lifetime ago, the est
training. If you don’t know what it was, you can look it up. I don’t really
care which opinion you get. It’s an ontological discussion and experiential
group experience designed to expand self-awareness. It’s now called Landmark,
and that’s a story in itself.
What I want to relay today is a bit of wisdom from a friend
of mine from college. All of my friends could see I got something out of this
two weekend seminar thing I did, but due to its complexity and my own lack of
eloquence at the time, they weren’t sure what it was. One friend in particular
said something that I had no response to, and has held up as true. I don’t
remember the exact words, basically it was; there are truths about life, about
our human condition, truths that are discoverable. There are many paths to
those truths, but when they are illuminated by a particular source, some people
tend to attach those truths to that source as if that source is the exclusive source.
I’ve asked several psychologists if there is a name for this
phenomenon but no one has given it an ID. A colloquial phrase for it might be
“he drank the Kool-Aid”. If you don’t know that one, please, look it up. It
implies a cult nature to the group, something I’ve argued strongly against,
even after I quit endorsing the organization. You should be able to find many
discussion on that too. I’ve never found anything but a basic accusation of
their cult status, never any real evidence.
I was involved with est during the decade or so when they
went through the name change and reorganization. Before that they relied
exclusively on word of mouth advertising. That’s a nice way of saying they used
the graduates of the programs to sell it to their friends and family. It was
creepy. I’m not proud of it. In the 90’s and since, they started to appear more
on talk shows and eventually they started releasing what was once secret to the
internet. Look up “Werner Erhard” and you can see for yourself. There’s
everything from 3 minute promo spots to 3 hour seminars.
Here’s a sample, titled the “best ever”, make of that whatyou will. He starts saying that you make your own purpose in life. Keep in mind
this started in the 1970’s, so that was a fairly big deal back then. The 60’s
were over and meaning was not being found at a Grateful Dead concert or in a
Disco. Billy Graham had found his way into the White House and the word
“fundamentalism” was just coming into popular use.
He then talks about how people will react when you declare
your purpose and start acting like you think you might accomplish something
with your life. He doesn’t need to be specific about what people will say,
because we all know. We all know people who don’t have enough of a life of
their own and feel the need to crush everyone else’s dreams to make themselves
feel better. What we don’t talk about as much is how we suppress ourselves just
to avoid those public conversations. So, he gets a good laugh and it seems like
maybe he’s said something profound.
But, as we used to say in est, sometimes what shows up is
what’s missing. What’s missing from this conversation about setting goals and
finding meaning is how you build relationships that will support you in getting
there. It’s funny that we listen to the negative people around us and let them
affect our decisions. We shouldn’t listen to those voices. But ignoring others
is not a recipe for success either. There were other seminars and other talks,
but the creation of community was mostly mechanical, reciprocal exchanges of
support, timed listening exercises, things like that.
I hope this doesn’t sound like I regret my experiences with
this organization. I’m not going to try to sell it to you, but if it sounds
interesting, I certainly wouldn’t talk you out of it. I would say that there is
a limit to how much you can learn about community by paying to be part of one,
but that’s actually one of the things that sets est apart from cults, they
encourage building your own life, to get whatever you get form them and move on.
They want you to apply what you learn there but come back with questions or
additional “coaching”. It’s a fine line.
Some get overly enamored with the programs and make it into
something it’s not. Those are probably the ones you know about. Others see it
for what it is and make good use of it. If you met one of those, you might not
even know it.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Orange Drink
I found this Clementine orange soda in a Fred Meyer store in Anchorage. Sorry for the fuzzy picture, I wasn't spending much time on quality on my vacation. Orange has always been my favorite thirst quencher for soda and hiking the mountains definitely had me thirsty. It was also low in sugar, something I've been concentrating more on lately. As you can see, this wasn't just orange flavored water, it was thick with juice. It was like a glass of orange juice without the citric acid or the pulp and fizz instead.
Possibly the best orange soda I've ever had. I didn't get where it came from though, and I doubt I'll find it again unless I go back to Alaska.
Possibly the best orange soda I've ever had. I didn't get where it came from though, and I doubt I'll find it again unless I go back to Alaska.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Bart Campolo
My search for a preacher who offers real value continues,
but I’m getting closer. This one calls himself a secular humanist, but isn’t
even comfortable with that label. The label for what I’m looking for probably
doesn’t exist yet. His current title is Humanist Chaplain. He talks about
rejecting the term atheist in the interview, and I’m fine with that.
It’s also worth mentioning he is a former minister and the
son of a famous minister, Tony Campolo who advised President Bill Clinton. All
of this is in the interview. If you want to skip that and some other good
stuff, fine, but at least go to minute 26. They are talking about the
controversy of secular chaplains in the military and Bart slides into a long
discussion about dealing with death.
The discussion is very life affirming. Death is one of those
things that keeps people in religion. You can get away with all sorts of sin in
life, but you better be concerned about your everlasting soul. He quotes Robert
Ingersoll extensively and explains how our desire for eternal life arises
naturally out of the experience of death. We want just one more conversation
with the one we just lost, we hope to see them again.
He goes on to talk about how an eternal life in heaven is
really not a very good solution to this problem. The inevitability of death
shows us to the preciousness of life. Knowing our time here is short draws us
through the weeds between us, seeking a connection. It drives us to share our
joys now and to let go of our anger now because we don’t want to waste this time.
As Ingersoll says, “Love is a flower that only grows on the edge of a grave.”
It keeps getting better from there. See for yourself.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
I've been slipping on my craft sodas lately. I went to Michigan and bought a 12 pack of Vernor's, so that's been my primary soda drinking. Here's another one from Bruce Cost. Their plain ginger ale was very good so I thought I'd try their ginger ale with Jasmine tea. As expected it was just as good, with a taste of Jasmine Tea. Nothing much else to report. The unfiltered bits at the bottom looked a little weirder, and they clumped up, I couldn't get them mixed in, but it didn't matter. The taste was consistent throughout. I was expecting some bitter tea taste in that last swig, but it didn't happen.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Advice on Life
Just another one of those passing thoughts at the height of summer as I try to get the garage painted and the woods cleared. I recently found out about brainpickings.org from OnBeing.org. I recommend both. I found this bit from a young Hunter S. Thompson, who is asked for advice on life and starts out pointing out how impossible that is and how arrogant it would be to try, then he pulls it off.
He does it by not offering any advice, but talks to his friend about setting himself on a path of self discovery. He doesn't give any actual advice, like "be a fireman" or "do what you love" or "follow your bliss" or "plastics!". Instead he says the answer lies in the questioner. The questioner has already taken the first step by asking the question. The answer is to keep asking.
Self reflection is a daily task, although not one to get obsessed with. Re-examining the landscape of everything out there is equally important, especially in this rapidly changing world we now find ourselves in.
Well, time to let Maria Popova walk you through this essay. Enjoy.
But, before you go, let me tell you where this sent my thoughts. I argue about politics, against libertarians, about God, against fundamentalists, about science, against anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, anti-global warmingers. And where these arguments often lead is to a point where my opponent finds completely unacceptable of the entire scientific method, including the integrity of our universities, the validity of peer review, the trustworthiness of government reports, the ability of experts to interpret data and the ability of anyone to verify that the data is accurate. It leaves me with nothing to build on since the only thing left is each of our opinions.
This attitude toward the modern world of delegation of authority and knowledge begins early. At some point you begin listening to the people that say a college degree has no value and that high schools are designed by capitalists who want to create subservient workers. There is some truth in there, that is, there are some horrible teachers and there are corporations that don't value human life, but it is not a vast conspiracy led by a secret cabal. That you can discuss the idea that it might be is evidence that it isn't.
To figure out if all or any of these systems are working, one merely needs to attempt to work within them, to create some change. Short of that, looking into the history of where these system came from will tell you a lot. If you can't find that documentary on your list of 80 stations, just think about basic high school history. At one point there were kings who cut your head off, now we have nations. At one point owning another human being was commonplace, now it's not. The Pope once had power over all of Europe, now he doesn't. Even if you weren't paying attention to exactly how we got from there to here, you have to accept that here is better and there must be a reason for that.
He does it by not offering any advice, but talks to his friend about setting himself on a path of self discovery. He doesn't give any actual advice, like "be a fireman" or "do what you love" or "follow your bliss" or "plastics!". Instead he says the answer lies in the questioner. The questioner has already taken the first step by asking the question. The answer is to keep asking.
Self reflection is a daily task, although not one to get obsessed with. Re-examining the landscape of everything out there is equally important, especially in this rapidly changing world we now find ourselves in.
Well, time to let Maria Popova walk you through this essay. Enjoy.
But, before you go, let me tell you where this sent my thoughts. I argue about politics, against libertarians, about God, against fundamentalists, about science, against anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, anti-global warmingers. And where these arguments often lead is to a point where my opponent finds completely unacceptable of the entire scientific method, including the integrity of our universities, the validity of peer review, the trustworthiness of government reports, the ability of experts to interpret data and the ability of anyone to verify that the data is accurate. It leaves me with nothing to build on since the only thing left is each of our opinions.
This attitude toward the modern world of delegation of authority and knowledge begins early. At some point you begin listening to the people that say a college degree has no value and that high schools are designed by capitalists who want to create subservient workers. There is some truth in there, that is, there are some horrible teachers and there are corporations that don't value human life, but it is not a vast conspiracy led by a secret cabal. That you can discuss the idea that it might be is evidence that it isn't.
To figure out if all or any of these systems are working, one merely needs to attempt to work within them, to create some change. Short of that, looking into the history of where these system came from will tell you a lot. If you can't find that documentary on your list of 80 stations, just think about basic high school history. At one point there were kings who cut your head off, now we have nations. At one point owning another human being was commonplace, now it's not. The Pope once had power over all of Europe, now he doesn't. Even if you weren't paying attention to exactly how we got from there to here, you have to accept that here is better and there must be a reason for that.
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