Unfortunately not all arguments end well. I’ll get to ending
them well by end of this, but I need to go over how they usually end first.
Children figure out how to derail a discussion pretty
quickly. They just keep asking why. Some people never get over this, they
become philosophers. “Why” is one of the most important questions in
philosophy. They delve into the “ultimate why”. Most people don’t concern
themselves with this on a daily basis. Some people find it annoying.
There are adult ways of presenting that why question without
sounding like you are pontificating or being childish. Some people will suggest
we’re in the matrix, or we are brains in a vat, or everyone else is a zombie. This
is more of a sophomoric version, one you might hear in a dorm room. But it
comes from a slightly more sophisticated tradition. Descartes’ first meditation,
sometimes called “the evil demon”, suggests if we doubt all of our perceptions,
we don’t know who we really are and could be under the control of an evil
There are even more modern versions of this, maybe you’ve
heard a few;
you’re completely misinformed, you’re mind has been
controlled by advertising and bad schooling, you are privileged, you’ve been
tricked (there is a facebook page for this, they call you sheeple), you are
trying to trick me, you are a shill for a corporation, you were home schooled,
you were born in Flint, MI.
That last one really happened. I was talking about Michael
Moore and I told someone I was born there. You should have seen the look. It
was as if being born in the same town as Michael Moore was as bad as being a
child of Osama bin Laden.
All of these are nothing but prejudice. You might as well be
using ethnic slurs. Granted each one has facts that lead to them being used in
the first place. Our schools do have problems, we are products of our
environment. That’s why racial slurs hurt. Regardless of those facts of social
science, these are almost always distortions.
If, “you had bad schooling” is not followed by some
legitimate help in educating the person, in providing them with the information
they need to make an informed decision, then it is just an insult. It is
usually a judgment made before gathering facts, before even inquiring into just
what schooling the person had. This leads to the argument ending with, “You
don’t even know me.”
There are also more positive sounding versions, such as;
there is a higher purpose that you are unaware of, it’s in
the interest of national security, it’s nature’s way, it’s part of our great
leaders vision, it’s just the way things are.
These aren’t necessarily aimed at anyone, but they are
equally useless. They propose that no more facts are available, that further
discussion is pointless.
All of these come from artifacts left over from the
philosophers of the Middle Ages. Descartes, in his second meditation said, “I
think therefore I am” and profoundly changed how we see ourselves. Too bad he
was wrong. Rather than explain that last sentence, I’d rather stick to why it’s
a problem today. The problem is we don’t talk about the context of how he came
to it or the improvements that have been made on it since.
Descartes third meditation is sometimes called “the
existence of God”. He posits that what we can conceive must exist so if we can
conceive of perfection it must exist. It’s more complicated than that, but I’m
not going to analyze it. I only point it out because it is probably the reason
why Descartes is not covered in any detail in public school. Meditations 4 and
5 are about God too. They are his solution to the problem he created by
doubting his senses in the 1st meditation.
So we’re stuck here, on an island as Simon Blackburn calls
it, where we verify our own existence based on our own experience. Even if we
are in the matrix we can still have the thought that we are in the matrix, so
the machines controlling us have not taken that last piece of our self away. If
we are so deluded that even that is not our self thinking, then none of this
matters anyway. We can’t know ourselves and we can’t know that we can’t know
But why do we need
this hyperbolic doubt in the first place that then requires a solution? As
I’ve shown above, it is used to confuse, to bring a logical discussion of valid
choices down in to a spiraling pit of meaningless. To end an argument by
destroying the other persons confidence in their argument. I say we don’t need
it. The way to interrupt it is by saying, “I exist and I have value”, or if the
argument is not about you, say you are arguing for feeding starving children,
“they exist and they have value.”
David Hume later stated the problem of understanding
ourselves is a problem of matching what we sense to reality. If we doubt
everything our senses tell us, then anything could be true. We know our senses
can fail us but we also know they serve us pretty well. We can look at other
animals and see that those with better senses do better. But all that still
relies on our self to make that judgment.
So you can still bring any argument to a halt without any
evil demons, simply by pointing out the flawed nature of our senses. Usually
this is done by someone questioning only the other persons senses or the
superiority of their own. As in claiming to have a degree or having read a book
or seen a documentary, something that mere senses can’t trump. This is still a
complete foul. Unless you are willing to actually explain the facts you have,
it’s just mean. Even if it is true.
A non-mean, fair way of employing this simple truth is agreeing
that no one really knows anything. That we are perceiving any degree of reality
is an act of faith. Whether you call that pure skepticism or pure belief in
powers we can’t perceive, you arrive at it with similar logic.
For me, this is where all arguments should begin, that
nobody knows for sure. From there we can only build towards greater probability
of being accurate, of matching our perception to reality. We can share our
perceptions with each other. We can create languages that describe things we
can’t perceive directly. We can predict and test our predictions. We can
challenge each other to be more accurate in our descriptions, more honest. We
can be aware of our limitations and we can grow beyond them by working
We know there is a coherent consistent world that is
available to us when we are awake and clear. We have built on that foundation
for so long that it is now impossible for one person to obtain all the
knowledge available. That knowledge is being refined every day. If everyone in a
some field of knowledge said one person knew everything they knew, that could
still change the next day with a new discovery. So everyone knows that they
don’t know everything.
The criteria for certification of having the higher levels
of knowledge are constantly reviewed and updated. Having that certification
doesn’t mean you know everything in that field, and very few people are
certified in more than one field. Certification is still important, I have very
few other tools for evaluating if my doctor knows what he is doing. But the
idea of “authority” has limits. That’s a foundational principle of the modern
world where we say we value the opinions of everyone, not just the King and the
royal family.
The only adult, fair, sane way to end an argument is to not
approach differences as arguments in the first place. You can have convictions,
you can stand up for what you believe, you could also be wrong. As I have ended
more than one of my blogs, all we really have is each other.